Koi pond

Koi pond

The Koivijver is a very popular pond species. A pond is, as the name suggests, a pond especially for koi's. Koikarpers are family of the mirror and schubkarper we often encounter in the Netherlands. Koikarpers have beautiful colors and patterns on their bodies. It is not for nothing that this fish is called the king of the pond.

The construction of a Koivijver

The construction of a good koivijver must meet many demands. Koikarpers are sensitive fish that require excellent water quality and filtration. Aquatikoi has years of experience in the construction of koivijvers in all types and sizes. We would like to advise you on the different possibilities.

The filter

A primary filter has the primary purpose of increasing the biological filter performance. Because Koi produces a lot of waste, a prefilter is always a must. The biologist must be large enough to match the size of the pond and the number of fish that the customer wishes to keep.


The cost of a koivijver is different in every situation. The size, location, design, background and special wishes of the customer play a major role.

We at Aquatikoi only use high quality materials, ensuring you carefree pond pleasure!

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