Natural pond

Natural pond

The natural pond is a decorative pond that has to go on in the landscape. This type of pond emphasizes plants and a carefully chosen fish stock. The shape of the pond is partly determined by the landscape around it.

Clay or foil?

The true nature lover preferring clay over foil. This is because clay often lies at the base of ponds and friends in nature. When the average groundwater level is not deeper than 40cm in the ground, a clay pond is possible because the groundwater is always in contact with the clay. This causes the clay at the bottom to not dry out and possibly rupture.

Therefore, when the groundwater is averaging deeper than 40 cm, we recommend that you choose the epdm foil. If desired, another clay layer can be added on top of the film so that the film is nowhere visible.

Disadvantages of natural pond of clay:

  • Floating water level
  • Light colored water
  • Clay is very difficult to process
natuurlijke vijver

For more information about the possibilities please contact us via the contact page.

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